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Exploring the Features and Functionality of Modern Health and Human Services Case Management Software

Posted on August 6th, 2023   |   SSG

Case management software improves efficiency by letting health and human services agencies configure their applications for collecting and analyzing public health data. The application allows various stakeholders, providers, and caregivers to share information with the agency. It also provides cross-collaboration and in-app communication for faster implementation and increased data accuracy. 

Case management is a critical component of providing quality healthcare. It is the process of documenting and monitoring patient health through assessment and care planning to achieve a reasonable outcome over a specified period of time. Public health and human services (HHS) agencies use case management to identify and track health outcomes and trends across the local population, influencing policies that keep the public from spreading illness and disease. This requires collecting and analyzing thousands of electronic health records, lab reports, and clinical observations. 

Health and human services case management software allows these agencies to automate routine processes, including data collection, analysis, and forecasting, for faster implementation and improved accuracy. Learn more about the benefits and features of healthcare case management software and how it is changing public health administration for the better. 

What is health and human services case management software? 

Health and human services case management software is a digital, cloud-based software program used by government agencies and non-profit organizations to collect, monitor, and analyze health information related to a specific population. Its goal is to achieve clear outcomes through care planning and policy. The software allows the agency to collect and analyze various types of personal health information, such as electronic health records, clinical notes, test results, and immunization records, and then trigger follow-up actions based on results. 

Departments regularly use medical case management software to administer public health services, including early childhood development, immunization services, and pandemic relief aid. The software can track and share all types of health information, including behavioral health and mental health outcomes, provider and client information, and various social determinants of health that can affect patient outcomes. 

However, each type of case management software varies regarding its features and capabilities. The system should be compatible with various file types and data management systems used by providers, facilitating seamless data sharing between providers, healthcare facilities, and the department. 

Some models use artificial intelligence to automatically populate data fields using different types of file types and data sources, so workers don’t have to validate the incoming data or worry about creating duplicate entries, thus increasing efficiency and reducing redundancies in the official report.

Every health department is unique. Low-code software programs allow users to create their own health applications for specific uses. Team members of all skill levels can use low-code public health software to adjust the interface and input fields on the application based on the intended user and the latest health trends to ensure providers report the required information. 

In other cases, the data collected can be used to identify health trends and predict future outcomes using artificial intelligence, algorithms, and historical models. The government then refers to this information when creating and implementing policies designed to keep the public safe. 

How does case management software benefit health and human services organizations? 

Digitizing public health data management increases efficiency by eliminating the need for paper records and case notes. Public health departments can use this technology to quickly import large volumes of provider data into the central data repository while the software organizes the information based on the department’s requirements. Workers no longer have to cleanse data manually. The program makes it easy to update fields and highlights duplicate records to improve data accuracy and worker efficiency. Automating routine processes will save the agency time and money by freeing up additional resources that can be used to bring the department closer to its objectives.

Case management software is compatible with a wide range of file types and electronic health records systems to improve the flow of information. Healthcare facilities and providers often use different operating systems that can’t communicate with one another, leading to delays and data bottlenecks. 

However, most patients typically see more than one provider, creating silos of data instead of a continuous log tracking the person’s experience from start to finish. The department can overcome this problem by storing all public health data in a central location that providers and facilities can use to improve their records.  

Team members can also communicate with providers within the application to keep everyone on the same page. This makes it easier for the agency to follow up with individual providers and stakeholders amid changing regulations. 

What features should I look for in case management software for health and human services? 

Health and human services departments should use low-code case management software that is easy for non-professional coders and workers. It should come with various pre-configured options built to collect and analyze public health information. Configurable components should be easy to add and remove based on the department’s changing goals. Ultimately, anyone within the organization should be able to design and adjust the input fields and workflows to improve flexibility amid changing requirements. 

The program should be able to process a wide range of file types and electronic health data while providing automatic alerts and notifications for duplicate entries and missing fields. It should also work with commonly used EHR systems and software programs to ensure various providers and facilities can easily share their findings. The software should also include safeguards to ensure the application complies with patient privacy laws. 

Makers of software solutions for public health agencies typically offer technical assistance as part of the licensing fee. If the agency has issues with the program, the team should be able to contact the company for feedback and support. 

How does case management software help in tracking and managing client cases efficiently?

Case management software helps HHS departments track and manage various client cases by allowing them to create a digital application that can aggregate data from every provider and caregiver involved. Anyone responsible for treating, diagnosing, or observing the patient can share their findings to create a single, comprehensive record of the patient’s health. 

The department can also use the software to create an application that tracks service delivery and the success of various public health programs and initiatives. Providers and stakeholders can quickly record and document the implementation of these services and assess their impact on the population so that public health can adjust its approach as necessary. The department can also use the technology to share program outcomes with the federal government when applying for funding. 

Case management software is here to revolutionize how public health departments administer and document various services. Contact SSG to learn more about our health data management solutions